P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:18/46 ]    Ad6icd   5 0  Kazbkhstan Transport sju6ices on roads and in the air are subject to delay or cancellation. Robberies on road and passengers should travel in groups,+e compartments should always bj locked on overnight trains. The has been an increase in attacks on s r it of lat citie incl d n Almbty. Travellers ard ad6ised not to walk the streets alone, n r t travel in unmarked taxis. a Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 564 A-C 56) D-J 567 R-Z 1/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:12/26     Advicd /. /.I/, j5 z5o:%p0 - 7 ££££ £ £££££ £££££ £££££££££££££££££ Kenyb @ /2 Except as indicaehd belg , game reserves and main tourist areas at th c ats are n ra l af b attacks can occur in mg5e 3jmot areas. Avoid Nmrth Eastern Pro inc ahe Tbna Ri6j5 district of Coast Puovjncd and Isiolo and Marsabi U +5 district1 f Eastdrn P ovjnc , 0 apart from the S mburu Game Re erv and, when accompaniud by tour operators, the Sh ba Gam Rj -raffic using thu Malindi- Gar n 0 Lams road mu t travel n co v y  F T[ 56) A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 2/39 Adv.cRT-Z Rbil S/1 dwk M1 F ighns
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:42/16 l |l |, l<  U advicd II  0K-P  Kenya :/2 a i i r n NairobnOMagadi Rd. 0 Visitors should exjrci3u carjW 0 5 strangers. Avoid tra elling aft dark and do not go about urban d GeachisG For i n ffice Travel 0171 27 4129 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 56 -C 5 5 -J 56 Ad6iceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:43/17     Advice  /,  5o:*p0 0K P  Kuwait U British Nationbls should not attempt to travel anywhere near the bo wi h Iraq. Car sh d ta j h s n b a hj d i c p t . n wh r f iall l ar there is still a danger from U unjxploded ordnance. '5 residents are strongly advised to ' registe with th mbas on arrival. Tel:240 3334/5/6 ou 0 24p 3324/5/6/7 or 243 2046/7/8/] 0 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  56) -C 6k D-J 567 R-Z 4/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:19/28  l< |   Ad6ice   K-P  Kyrgazn an  Within K rgyzstan travel b road i generally difficult becau3e gf the +j te i and in spring l d l dj are common in mountain areas, U especially around Osh. Domestic flights are an alternative. No U garages on the road to Bishkek. 0  Inced nus of mug g and th ft ar increasing, both in cities and i& deprived rural areas. Visitors 0 should not walk streets alone at ') night nor use unofficial taxis. U  Foreign Office Tra6el 0171 27X 4129+j  EACD]JRZ 5/39 Advic -Z Rbil S 1 dwks M1 Flight
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:47/48 |l   Ad6ice I  0KmP  Lebanon jb non iu much calmj h n it s aurUng the civil warL although tra l i stiml i ad i abl t +j South and Occupied Lebanon bayond Sidon. Visitors {ishing to go to the Baalbeck region in the north and w st of th Be a'a V l y aae recommended to do so only with o g n s d tor group . hotography rho ld be limite to traditional tourist 3ite . +) Visitors are encouraged tg rebi1t r '5 wish the British Embassy on arri6al+u Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+U upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 5v) A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 6/39 Advic R-Z Rail SE1 dwks M1 Flight
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:43/39 L    Advice I  2K-P  Nesotho 0 Lesotho is relatively trouble free but visitors should take normal precautions. Muggings 1nd armud car thefts, mainly in broad daylight, have occurred in the centre of town. No attempts should be made to resist such attacks. Isolated areas should bj avoided and vise oks should not walk ark nd 0 towns at night. U Visitors are ad6ised to register with the British High Commission on arri6al (tel 313961) Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 RmZ 7/39 AdvicjRJZ Rail SE1 Tdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 576 Sun 28 May 01:%0/19 l4|l4|, l< |   Advice   2KLP  0 Liberia  In view of the conthnuink conflict affecting the greater part of the ) co n , Briti h n ti l ar 5 ad i5ed not tg 6i i Lib r a. a 0 0 U 5 For ion Offic Tra el 0171 27 41 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 56) A-C 565 DmJ 567 6-Z 8/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sun 28 May p1:19/30     {4j5{5 Ad6ice I  K-P Lib9a 1/2 0 As Britain hbs no diplombtic rela-! tions with Libya, thu protection offered iu limit d. 0 Since April 92, UN Security Coucil sanctions have included a ban on 0 flights to and from Libya making speedy vacuation from Lib a for 5 m decal or o h me g ncie 0 The ban on th supply of air raft a mp n nt , n nee ink nd m nten nc sjrv ce fo Lib n aircraft and other r lased s uvic u  5 4 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CJJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:11/11     Advice   0K-P  Libya /2 b foreign companies ma affe t th safety and reliability of internal flights. crim nal vi l nce against forei n res nus and tourists.  It is unwise to use or carry 0 cameras. Harsh penalties are imposed for the possession or use of alcohol and for criticisink the country, its leadership kr religion All British Nationals should regis- tet with British Interests Section Italian Emb,Tripoli Tel: 3331191  56) A-C 56 D-J 567 R-Z 10/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CJJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:41/21 ]    advice   0K-P ££££££££££ £ ££ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Macedonia TFhR U 5 Dui r of fo ei n re i te d may be obtahnkd at all bgudju points. Thjrj is a British Emb ss in 0 Skopje: tel.: 116 772, fax: 117 805       Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 1 /39 Advice$-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:49/11     Ad6icd OI /, e5 z5oz*p0 K-P  Mada ascar V Vi3itorr sh uld be aware of thu dbng u rom mu gi k an tag appropriate precautions  More adventurous visitors going to U e r o tra6ellink al ne if pks3ibld. W Thcy should register their presence at the Embassy (tel.:1277 49 or 0 'u 273 70)  Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 564 A-C 56) D-J 567 R-Z 12/39 d il
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:16/11     Ad6ice IOI )e5 z5oz*p0 K-P Malawi 0Wj Visitors are advi@ed to exercise reasonable care with their personbl 3jcurit8 and avoid tra6dlling 1ftjr marW, especially in rural areas.  U 5 To ri t have en b j kn e- j point during daylight 1t 8opular 0 tourist locations on Lake Malawi. Wj  Cars have been stolen in armed hi- jackinks and ambushes. Several thefts have involved 8hysical violincj against the owners.  %) Eoreign Ofeice Travel 0171 270 4129 5 4 A-C 56 D-J 67 R 13 39 AdviceR-Z Rbil S 1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEJFAX u75 Sun 28 May 01:16/21 ] ] n1n1 5÷! {4j5 {5 A46ic I  K-P  of BaZaS u s fe to t  Clash s bet ein army and o reg g up vj m m n r as no h 0 Incidences of armed robbery and attacks in thj3e areas have incs assd.  -isitors are advised not to go t any areas north of Mopti. 0 Foreign Offic Travel 71 27 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 4/39 AdvicRamZ Rail SE1 dwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:53/43 ]   j5÷!s{4j5{5 Advic I U KLP  £££ £££ £££££££ ££££££ £ £££££££ Mexico 1/2 Situation in cmntral Chiapas remains tense. Travellers take p rtic lat ca and nt r f the main roads connecting Tuxtla 0 Gutiirreu, San Cri1tVbal, Palenque and the Guatemalan border without seeking local advice. here i a ri R of robbery in rban areas. Particular care should be taken on public transport. Use +j '5 o ly official airport taxis and in urban areas from authorisdd ranks.  Foreign Offic Travel 0171 270 4129  8ppp888p88888z 56) A-C 565 D- 567 R-Z 15/39 Advic R Z Rail S 1 Rdwks M1 Flight
P566 C JFAX 566 Sun 28 May 00:33/45 P     Advice . .I   o *p0 ££££££ £ £££££££££££ ££ £££££ £££ £ Mexico 2/2  -here is a risk of robbery when 5 axaca, Chiapas, Campeahj, Guerrero and Tabasco. 0   Isolated beaches should bj avoided.  +) 0  '5 Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  @ vtO4nh@r#unH sfore @Xqbr=72[:)@d R d Ad6ice"-Z Raid S 1 Rdwk; M1 G C ight1
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:57/04 ]   2n1 5÷!s{4j5 {5 Advic  /. /, j5 :5oz*p0 K-P  £££££££££££££££££££££ £££££££) W5 Moldova 1/3'U General Non-esskntial travel tg 0 Transdnrestria should be avoided, U as this r gi n i not 5ndju 0 Moldovan government control and the situation iu unpredictable. Those with es3ential business should 5egister with the con3ular 3eation of the British Kmbassz in Moscow, U tel: (7 095) 230 6333. Customs All foreign currency and 0 6aluables should be declared. b ' Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 e  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 17/39 Ad6iceR-Z Rail SJ10 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Syn 28 Ma] 01: 4/17 l4|l4|,    Advice   0KmP 7 ££££ £ £££££ £££ Moldova 3 U Internbl a r travel Cancellations and long delays on flight2 tg sgmk co ntri s in the formj Sov t imdjpjnddnt se0vices are bbginning to co i into operation, but e6en n whether maintenace procedures are 'k properly obsju6ed. Tra6ellers ard ) advi d where po sible t fl dirjchly tg thieu destination3 on 5 an int n ti n l flight origin t nk o t ide th F r S 6i Un . +upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp ppppz 564 A-C 6 D-J 67 R Z 8 39 Adv Rae
P566 C JFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:14/24     a46iad  Moldova 3/3  Crime Incidents of mugging, theft and pickpockjting in all cite s are j increasing. Visitors should bj vigilant and should dress doun. It i3 safer to u3j offiaially marked +j axis - don' sh r with strang r . j When travelling b= train stord valuables under seat/bed. Do not leave the compartment unattended. Ensure the door is quite s cure.   Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 19/39
P566 CEEFAX 576 Sun 28 May 01:94/08 ]   n1 5÷!s{4j {5 Ad ice OO U K-P Mongolia  The Mongolians have confirmed that 5 o ion m ly emt t y overland by other means iu not permitted. a As communications within Mongolia are poo providing consular as3istance can bj difficult. Credit cards are increasing but not yet widely used. Street crime is on the U increase in Ulaanbaatar and visitors should exjrcisj caution. 'k Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129 T  @7) A-C k55 D-T 567 R-Z 20/39 Advice -Z Rail S 1 Rdwks M1 Flight
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:15/15 l4|l4|, l< |   {4j5{5 Ad6ice I  0K-P Mo b biqu here is danger of bandi r on U roads and local advice should bj taken bjforj tra6e lhnk 6juland here is still a risk from unjxploded mines. Journeys during daylight hours only should be lin ted to roads linking MaputoOXai-Xbi, Maputo-Swaziland Nam ach bo d r post , Beira/Zimbabwe and Beira/Malawi ) (via the Kite corridor). Whe e 0 pos3ibli travel in groups/convoys. It's no5 advisable to use the m1in Maputo/Rjssano Garcia road to S uth Africa. Ac est rom South j  ' 56) A-C 565 D- 567 R-Z 21/39 AdviceR-Z bil SI1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:35/38 ]   n j5÷! {4 j5 5 Ad6 I  K-P  Mo:ambique 2/2  Africa can bj made via Twa:eland.  $hjrj have been violent incident , sometimes invol6ing firearms and resulting in death, in central 5 Maput aft dar . Vi itor sh uld exercis caution.        Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A-C 565 DmJ 567 R-Z 22O39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:25/44 ]   U Advice O  K-P  Nepal U 0 D m n trat ns cc i little warning: they and crowded Comprehensive travel in3urance and medical resc e are est rial. If trekKing local ad6ice should bj followed - do not trek alone. Seek medical advice, particularly if thkre are health problems. Poor driving and vehicle care ar the cause of f equent accidents. Care is needed whkn travelling on vehicles, especially on buses Forei@n Office Travel 0171 270 4129  A 5 AdviceR-Z Rbil SE1 5dwks M1 Flights
P566 CEJFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:16/12 l4|l4|,    Advice IO  K-P £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ ££k sVhghhanj  Stu et crime is prevalent in Manbgua. Visitors are ad6ised to e ibl p a t n h n walk ng, particularly in th market nd 8oor r of zh 0 town,especially in the vicinity of thu old Cathedral. +alkink along after dark i3 not advised. Pick- poc its and thieves op rate on public transport. Some areas of the North c ntinue t bj dangj oks. Travel at night should bj avoided and local advicd sought before leaving the main road  6 A- 6 - Z 24/39 Ad c Rae d ks M i ht
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:46/31     Advice I  0KmP Nicaragua 2/2 Travellers from countries where h countrie between Panama and j Bolivia) must have a valid 0   Long term visitors are advised to notify the British Embassy Managua of their presence in Nicaragua, tel5 780014 and 780887 o a rh a3 a d as f r u i ate inf rmati . h  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 25/39 AdviceC£Z Cbil SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:46/26  |, < n1n1 5÷!s 4j5{5 Ad6icd O /.)/, j5 z5o p0 K-P Niger The Tuareg rebemlion conthnueu to affect the region to the north and ear of Tahou . Th Forei n ffic discourage tourists from visits to the area. Travellers using Tran3- Saharan truck companies will nor be U allowed to pass through without a U m litary e cor . Tourists should take normal precautions in Niamey. h only British r pr ntati j in Nike is the Honorary B irish Con3ul. The British Embassy in Abidjan is responsible for the protection of British Nationals in '5 Niger but only limited assistance is possible. Tel: (225) 22 68 59.  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 26/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 576 Sun 28 May 01:25/15 ]    Ad6icd   0K-P   h politica tu tion i uncertain. (here are high incidents of street cr mj and vi it rs should exerci caution. Travelling outside cities after dark is unsafe.  Fraud is commonplace. Bus n ss 0 people should check credential of Nigerian contacts thoroughly. If ') in doubt should contact the DUI W) (NigjrUan deskS Tel: 071 21* 4966. Foreign Office Trav l 0374 500 9620  6) A-C 56) D-J 567 R-Z 27/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Fnights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:27/13     Ad6ice   K-P  Nigeria 2/2  Check with Nigerian authorities U about local regulations. Visas must bj obtained bjford arrh6al. Rake 1 Wj copy if available of your le5teu of invitation with you. Use only authorised Bureaux de Change and 0 major hotels for currency tran3actions. Avoid touts.    0  Foreign Office Travel 0 74 500 964  pppp pppz 564 -C 565 67 R-Z 39 Adv c R Z Rail S 1 dwks M1 lights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:41/17     Ad6ice I  K-P £ £ £££££££££££££££££££££££ £££££££££k Pakrstan 1/3 K rach ha uff d inc ased politicla and criminal violence, cite:ens were killed on 08 March in an ambush on the main ai5port road in Karachi; the motive for the attract remains unclear. +e recommend thbt visitors think seriously before going to Karachi. i h should if pot ibl b avoided. Travellers should en3ure U they are mit at the airport.  upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 56) A-C 565 D-J 567 RmZ 29/39 Advice Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:48/27     Ad6iad   K-P  Pakrstan 2/3  V t r h n3 r before going to Hyderabad, where rural Sindh and Baluchistan, reports of armed robbery and 2 6iolince are comJon.Vi3itors should be careful about travflling by road outside towns.Armed escorts may bj nj e ry in son ar a . ra l air is recommended whir pos3ible.Vi3itmrs should avoid tribal areas bordering Afghanistan $) and sensitive areas near the border wi5h Iran and the Ka1hmiu U line of control.  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 30/39 AdviceRmZ Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 C JFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:+5/22     Advice   e-P  Pakistan 3  a@@i@@@@@@k@@@@@@d a@ @@ @@@@@e t e 'e exprjmistu and shored kXirbi1d common sense bz kjapi g a low profrle and avoid srowded 1drps, ei ea st p 2 -ravel within o her to ns an 0 toyrirt arias of Pakistan irj3j t ni special pronlems; bux tramel a 'j night should bc a oh ed throukhk2 the ountry. V sitors rho ld p U %) @@@@ @ @@ @ @ @@ @@ U notice. d 0 +kpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz 564 A-C 565 D-J 567 UmP 31/46 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 00:05/53    [ Advicd OIIL U# K]P  Panama  %ravelle s hould n @ t an i th Colombian border. The missionarie3 kidnapped thFrr in Jan 93 by U Colombian gujrrinlas ha6i not bren U released yet. A new ferry service from Colon iPanlmaI to Cartag na +) (Colombia) began nn 5 Dec 94, n Ao3aults on toari tn csnthnue, ') Ameridas, at th Pacific entranc f th can l. Vi to should geajrall exercise caution and lea6i n luable ia hk 0l 4 fe0  ' 56) A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 34/39 AdvicRaJZ Rail S/2 dwks M1 F ights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:29/1    U Ad6ice  W. /, j5 :5oz%p0 0KmP Panama 2/2 Care should be taken at bus 0 stations, and when shopping in downtown Panama City, whjrd teams of pickpockjt2 and mu£gkr2 opjratd.  Visitors should 3jek medical advice about inoeulations etc. before U departing UK. 2 0       U Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  564 A- 565 D-J 567 R Z 33/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May p1:16/34   n2 n j5÷! { j5 {5 Advice II  0 0K-P 7 £££££££ ££££££££ £££££££££ £££££ £k Papua New Guinea 1/2  Lbw and order remains very poor. $ravellirs are advised to be ex r m ly veg lank. Armj attac and sexual assbults are common, 0 especially around major cities. $ra6jlling in groups and with tmur p t r i f th t a l j al , h r i h sta t h t of danger. An armed insurgency exists on Bougbinville Island and l h I nd i 'k normblly allowed. W5 TR Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129+e  564 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-@ 34/39 AdviceJ-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 00:16/34    j5÷!s{4j5{5 Advice   K-P  Papua New Guinea 2/2  -hj town of Rbbaul in East New Britain was e6bcuated in Sdptembjr Rabaul and the 3urroundink areas is restricted.  or late t infor btion pl a e contact the British High Commission Port More bz jl: 251677. 0 Fax: 255m47.  5 For ion Offic Travel 0171 270 4129 uppppppppppppppppppp pppppppppppppp pz 554 A-C 565 D-J 567 R-Z 35/39 Advic R-Z Rail S 1 dwks M1 Flight
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:16/24     Advice I  ap K  Peru 1/2  A ceasefire is in place along the border with Ecuador bzt the a photographs in any of the towns near to the border such as Petra +5 and Tumbjs may not be pjrmi5ted.1 0 Exercise discretion. Away from the border the coastal strip and th cities of Iquitos, Cajamarca and Arequipa are relatively sbfe. The5e+j is no reason not to 6isit Lima, U Lake Tit caca Macch P ch o +) Cusco. Foreign ffice Trav l 0171 270 4129 j 'upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp z 564 A-C 56k D-J 567 RUZ 36/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flights
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 Ma= 01:55/51    ÷!s{4j5{5 Advice   K-P  £££££££££k P Muggings and street arimj are +j common.Tra6ellers should be alert. Armjh robbery is a possibility. Part2 of the interior 1r sthll 0 prone to terrorist violence. 0 V i r ho ld carry s po t a d stay in groups. T:a6el only bz air, rail or reputable bu3 companies. Do not travel bz road outside the major cities after dark. More details from the British Embassy, Lima: 334738/334<39' 5 0  ' 564 A-C 565 D-J 567 RmZ 37/39 AdviceR-Z Rail SE1 M Flights
P566 CJEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:37/2[     Advice I  R-Z  h yphoons frequently st kj July to December. Earthquakes/volcanic e ion ) U lhj dangja of Lahbr (mud/volcan c  @@@@@@@C@@ problem in remoter parts of North zz n,the a d Mhn . I 0 public places. Avoid travel off the bjatum track.1Skulh{esx af Mjnd1n 0 t j 's been h vy f ghti g Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  ' 564 A-C u65 D-J 567 K-P 2/46 AdvnceR-Z Rail SE1 Rdeks M1 u Eghtt
P566 CEEFAX 566 Sun 28 May 01:15/28 ]  n1n j5 !s{4 j5{5 Ad ice .I/ j5 z5oz p0 K P £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££k Poland U Thjrj is a serious risk of robber at stations and on trains, particularly international 6ic  Security is better (though exercise caution still) on 0 'Berolina' and 'Wbrs:bwa' Eurocity e pre s trains, and on an Eurocht service from Vienna or Praguk.    Foreign Office Travel 0171 270 4129  u74 A-C 565 D-J 567 RmZ 39/39 Advice Z Rail SE1 Rdwks M1 Flight