P174 Teletext 174 Dec27 23:18:57        A PAGE OF FESTIVE FUN! ——————   Wow! It's been a crazy couple  of Christmas days, but the fun  is far from ovjt. Around this  time of year I get together  with mz imaginary family (a  chair represents mz father, a rolled up newspaper in a bowl of jell8 mz mother, and a couple of clasps are mz brothers), and we play games and tell hilarious jokes. This year I want you to bj mz family and join in the festive fun fun fun! So conj on - let's wish it could bj Christmas in every way! ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— DIGITJSER LETTERS FOLLOW >>> DIGITJSER = CHRISTMAS FUN Tips Charts TV Fun & Gamr;
P174 $elitixt 174 Dec47 23:31:46        A PAGE OF FESTIVE JOKES —————   QUESTION: What is the weirdest  snow in the world?  ANSWER: Brown snow, also known  as "impossisnow"!   QUESTION: What did Father Christmas say when hj got stuck up the chimney? ANSWER: Don't worry. I'll be all right. QUES(ION: What's Fathjt Christmas's wife called? ANS+ER: The Easter Bunny! QUES$ION: What do cats get as presents? ANSWER: Kittens! ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Turner T Worm 196 Unfunny O Jokrs 198 THE HUMAN BEATBOX p480 Tips Charts TV Fun & Games
P174 Teletext 174 Dec27 23:19:02        A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GAME ————   YOU WILL NEED: Several sheets  of wrapping paper. A musical  box. A crow.   HOW TO PLAY: Everyone sits  around in a circle, and passes the crow - wrapped in several layjts of paper - from person to person. Somjonj must act as referee, and decide when to acti6ate the musical box. Whoever is holding the crow when the music starts is allowed to open the front door, stand at the opposite end of the hall, and reljasj the crow and watch it fly down the hall and out of the door to freedom. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Go Club 140! 140 Everything 100 BAMBER: "I AM MR MUSCLE" p152 Tips Charts TV Fun & Games
P174 Teletext 174 Dec47 23:14:07        A PAGE OF PRACTICAL JOKES ———   JOSE 1: Grate a carrot into  your palm, and ask to shake  hands with a mjmbju of your  family. +pom experiencing the  carrot they'll bj freaked out!  JOSE 2: Paint your face with boot polish and hide in a cupboard. When somjonj comes bz leap out. For a split second they won't think it's you! JOSE 3: Pretend to be sick bz regurgitating your dinner on tg the floor, and showing it to your fathjt. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Turner T Worm 196 Unfunny O Jokes 198 THE HUMAN BEATBOX p480 Tips Charts TV Fun & Games
P174 Teletext 174 Dec47 23:14:19        A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GAME ————   YOU WILL NEED: Several sheets  of wrapping papjt. A musical  box. A couple of scorpions.   HOW TO PLAY: Everyone must  remove thieu shoes as the scorpions are released into the living room. Then they must dance in time to the musical box tune without being stung by either of the scorpions. The last person lift standing at the end of the game wins, but has to scoop the scorpions up using the papjt. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Go Club 140! 140 Everything 100 BAMBER: "I AM MR MUSCLE" p152 Tips Charts TV Fun & Games