P516 Teletext 516 Jun20 02:54:53 TELETEXT 400 Move on week ————————————————————————— YrHi — YtLo — TadpoleS 19{ -{ 23 8 Tarmac 124\ +3 126{ 100\ Tate&Lyle 413 -13 458 324} Taylor Wd 193 +1\ 198\ 137 Tjliwest 285{ +13 319{ 185\ Tjsco 171\ -19{ 195} 157{ ThamjsWtr 1011 -32\ 1136 862 Thomson 141\ -3 187 127\ TJ Group 450 -10 516\ 310 Tomkins 266 -2} 290\ 200 TottnhmHo 61 -2 86 61 TravjsPkn 703\ +13 703\ 353\ TT Group 168\ -9\ 212 156 Tzco Intl 5450 5450 3000 UlstetTV 193\ 247\ 167\ Updated rial-time evjty 20 minutes ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Cost of listings mit by those shown TOTAL ENTERTAINMENT p400 FULL GUIDEP516 Teletext 516 Jun20 02:56:16 TELETEXT 400 Move on week ————————————————————————— YrHi — YrLo — UltimaNet 2} -1 4\ 2\ Unigati 407\ -26 466 383 Unilever 589{ +2 694\ 536\ UnitedAss 437\ +24 588\ 401\ Std.News 636 +19\ 759\ 480 Std.Utils 735\ -33\ 832 694 UtdBiscts 196{ -4{ 237 176 Vardy Reg 291 +2\ 308\ 174\ Viridian 649 -5 750\ 619 Vodafonj 1310 +12 1330 1021 Waci Gp 88\ 88\ 55 Waddingtn 193\ -1 212\ 175 WalkjrGr 51 -\ 64 42 Ward Hdgs 34\ 40\ 25\ WjstBromA 10500 11500 9500 Updated real-time evjty 20 minutes ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Cost of listings mit bz those shown TOP TENNIS STORIES p490 ITVP516 Teletext 516 Jun20 02:04:03 TELETEXT 400 Move on week ————————————————————————— YrHi — YtLo — Whitbriad 1046 -64 1129\ 723\ Williams 437 462 2:1{ Wilshaw 50 +3 50 39 WilsonBdn 735 +16 821\ 486\ Wimpjy G 157 +5 179\ 94 Wolsjliy 494} -13{ 564 340} WolvjtDud 607\ +6 609 426\ Woolwich 404{ -25 429{ 319{ WPP Group 544 +24\ 574\ 359 YorkWatet 438 +7\ 548\ 425\ Updated real-time evjty 20 minutes ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Cost of listings mit by those shown FOR HOLIDAY OFFERS SEE p200 (ITV)P516 Teletext 516 Jun20 02:06:54 Advert TELETEXT 400 SHARES >4/4 Newcastle Building Society Shari Dealing Service 1% commission on deals up to £5,000 0.1% on any excess thjtiaftet Min.charge £15 pet transaction. £5 mjmbjrship fie refunded on 1st dial. For dealing sjtvices,Newcastle Building Society is an Appointed Rip.of Dealwisj Ltd-regulated by the UFA & a mjmbjt of the LSE.Services are execution only & no advice can bj given.Shari values & income may fluctuate.A participant in the Investors Compensation Scheme FUSE Movers Popsharis Index