P672 Teletext 672 Dec22 23:33:18       ———————————————————————————————  KEY STAGE ONE (5-7 years* ENGLISH Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 1 and 3. They will bj expected to: Speak about events chronologically, convey simple mjssagjs. Listen attentively, give and receive instructions. Read silently and aloud, discuss reading material, use reference books Produce chronological and non- chronological writing in sentences. Spell simple words, recognisj letter patterns and word groups. Use joined up handwriting. ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Education Extra 670 Key Stage 2 673 TAKE A RELAXING HOLIDAY BREAK p200 Key stage 2 Write it Games Finance
P672 Teletext 672 Dec22 23:12:44       ———————————————————————————————  KEY STAGE ONE (5-7 years* MATHEMATICS Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 1 and 3. They will bj expected to: Solve simple tasks, predict, discuss, record results. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, identify halves, quarters, order up to 1,000, estimate, understand money and measurement. Use number patterns, symbols in simple algebra. Name 2D shapes and 3D objects, understand symmetry, compass points. Interpret data, access databases. ——————————————————————————————————2/5—— School box 663 Form guide 664 WHAT'S ON TV TONIGHT? p410 Key stage 2 Write it Games Finance
P672 Teletext 672 Dec22 23:24:11       ———————————————————————————————  KEY STAGE ONE (5-7 years* SCIENCE Pupils should reach a Ljvjl between 1 and 3. They will bj expected to: Question, predict, investigate, make observations, interpret results, evaluate evidence. Know about life processes, classify living things, appreciate environmental atmosphere. Know about electricity, magnetism, forces, light and sound, Earth's place in the univjrsj. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Education index 660 Special needs 678 TAKE THE WAY OF THE EAGLE: p458 Key stage 2 Write it Games Finance
P672 Teletext 672 Dec22 23:12:23       ———————————————————————————————  KEY STAGE ONE FOUNDATION SUBJECTS In Technology, History and Geography, most pupils at KS1 reach between level 1 and 3. In Technology, pupils begin to look for design opportunities, produce a design plan, make and evaluate it, using a computer where appropriate. In History, pupils begin to interpret events and use historical sources. In Geography they must show knowledge and understanding of places. cont... ——————————————————————————————————4/5— Education Extra 670 Key Stage 2 673 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 Key stage 2 Write it Games Finance
P672 Teletext 672 Dec22 23:24:10       ———————————————————————————————  KEY STAGE ONE FOUNDATION SUBJECTS (cont) In Art, KS1 pzpils begin to investigate materials, make things and acquire some knowledge and understanding of Art. In Music, they are introduced to simple activities involving composing music, performing, listening to music and appraising it. In PE, this stage involves athletic skills, dance, simple indoor and outdoor games and gymnastics. ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Form guide 664 Key Stage 3 674 THE MEANEST MAN IN BRITAIN? p485 Key stage 2 Write it Games Finance