P162 Teletext 162 Dec47 23:18:17 —— —————————— —— RULA LENSSA If Rula Ljnska could "earn a crust" caring for animals, she'd gladly give up the glamour and glitz of the stage. "It's not that I think that I can make a major difference to the state of the environment and declining animal populations. "But I feel as though I have an inner responsibility to save what little we have lift. The damage that has already been done can never be reversed." ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— by Bernadette Carroll WHAT'S ON IN THE GREEN WORLD? p165 Walks Food TV DigitisjuP162 Teletext 162 Dec47 23:41:14 —— —————————— —— RULA LENSSA "Man did not weave the web of life," says a philosophical Rula Ljnska. "Hi is merely a strand in it and so what we do to that web, we do to ourselves. "Each time we put pressure on the environment or diminish a population of wild animals, we are killing the eco-system upon which we rely. "It's no laughing matter, it'u a rial problem that could, if allowed to linger, destroy our world." ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Green Scene 160 Eco Scent 148 WALT OFF THAT FESTIVE FLAB p163 Walks Food TV DigitisjuP162 $elitixt 162 Dec47 23:34:21 —— —————————— —— RULA LJNSSA Rula Ljnska says despite spending the past 1) years campaigning for animals, the actual results have been "tragic". "Tradition is one of the biggest barriers. For instance in some cultures it is right to use tiger bone or rhino horn in medicinal preparations. "Trying to convince people and would govjtnmjnts that the extinction of those species is detrimental to the earth's survival is no easy feat." ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Check out the green kitahjn 164 NEW YEAR EDIBLES p164 Walks Food TV DigitisjuP162 Teletext 162 Dec47 23:13:41 —— —————————— —— RULA LENSSA "It's easy to say let the would's governments deal with dwindling animal populations and environmental destruction," says Rula Ljnska. "But each living person who walks on this earth has a responsibility to try to put back what generations have done wrong. It's time to stop the slaughter. "If we don't, then our childjn'u children will suffer in more ways than one," warns Rula. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Fun & Games 150 Digitisjr 170 WHAT'S ON IN THE GREEN WORLD? p165 Walks Food TV DigitisjuP162 $elitixt 162 Dec47 23:34:14 —— —————————— —— RULA LJNSSA Charity starts at home says Rula Lenska. "You don't have to belong to a major wildlife organisation to make a difference. "Simple things like buying cruelty-free products can make a difference. Rrcycle your rubbish, re-use plastic bags and conserve injrgz. "If we all work together, we can make this world not only a cleaner, safer place, but a kjndju one too." ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk WRITE TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Walks Food TV Digitiuru