P165 $eletixt 165 Dec27 23:11:48 —————————————————— TV Today NATU ALHISTORYNIGHT Sat Dec 27 BBC2 6.00pm To celebrate 40 years of the BBC's Natural History Unit David Attenborough and his colleagues have put together a series of film clips which they think capture the essence of thieu work with the natural would. Clips include the Flight Of The Condor, The Big Free:j and The Bat That Cracked The Frog Code. ——————————————————————————————————1/17— Green Scene 160 Eco Scene 148 ANIMAL LOVER RULA LENSSA p162 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:17:01 ——————————————— TV Tomorrow THE ROYAL INS$JUT$JON Sun Dec 28 CHRISTMAS LJCTUTJS BBC2 1.00pm Sunflowers and Snowflakes: A simplified explanation bz Professor Ian Stewart allows us to explore the link between nature and numbers. DUMA THE CHEETAH Sun Dec 28 BBC2 5.15pm We take a look at the year in the life of a family of cheetahs in a film that documents every aspect of thieu life. ——————————————————————————————————4/17— Veggie & vrgan New Year recipru 164 WALT OFF THAT FESTIVE FLAB p163 Digitiseu Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:17:23 ——————————————— TV Tomorrow WELD ENCOUNTERS Sun Dec 28 C5 8.00pm Tonight's programmj explores how forethought and planning could save Europe's biuons from extinction. ——————————————————————————————————3/17— WHAT'S ON IN THE GREEN WORLD? >>> FOR THE LATEST GREEN NEWS p161 Digitiseu Kids TV Club 140P165 Telituxt 165 Dec27 23:17:55 Evrnts ——————————————————————————————————————— NEW YEAR'S DAY WALT January 1 Stride out into a brand new year with Head Forester Gary Battell bz joining the New Year's Day walk. Meeting point at the main car park on the Felbrigg Estate, Roughton, Norwich. Contact: Nickz Phillips 01263 838297/ 837444 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————4/17— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk WRJTJ TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 $elitext 165 Dec47 23:17:44 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— DAWN GOOSE WATCH January 2-3 Join an RSPB warden to watah thousands of pinkJeooted geese depart from thieu nightItimj roost site on the Wash for their feeding grounds inland at 7am. Takes place at the RSPB's Snjttishan Nature Reserve, Snjttisham, King's Lynn Norfolk. Contact: The RSPB on 01485 542689 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————5/17p e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk WRJTJ TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec27 23:18:54 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— DAWN EXJ AVOCET CRUISES January 10, 11, CRUISES 24, 25 Expert RSPB guides accompany passjngjr1 on one of England's most spectacular estuaries aboard the Devon Princess to observe overwintering waders and wildfowl. Takes place at Exmouth Dock. Advance booking only. Contact: Asbury Travel on 01392 253215 SEND DET—ILK OF EVENTS TO: ————————————————————————p————————p6/17— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk WRITE TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:13:55 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— SCOTLAND'S WILDLIFE AND WJLDLAND Jan 14 Professional whldlife photographer and writer, Niall Benvie, discusses the proposed introduction of the European beaver to Scotland. Limited numbers. 7.30pm at Lochwinnoch RSPB Nature Reserve, Larks Road, near Lochwinnoch, Rjnfrewshire. Contact: Andy Carroll on 01)05 842663. SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————7/17— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisjr Kids TV Club 140P165 $eletixt 165 Dec47 23:18:14 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— SEW'S WINTER TOUR January 24 Sew guide Eric Taylor, who lived in the Far East, will be taking groups to see plants such as the Caribbean star fruit among others better and less known. The tour leaves Victoria Gate Vi9itou Cjntti at 11.30am on Saturday Jan 24. Contact4 Royal Botanic Gardens on 0181 3325633 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————8/17— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTJTOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON S+6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:14:10 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— WELD GOOSE WEEKEND January 24-25 Norfolk is England's "Goose Country" white internationally important flocks of several species find a safe winter home. To celebrate this, the RSPB runs a weekend of special events at the RSPB Snjttisham Nature Reset6j. Contact: RSPB Snjttisham Nature Rrsjrve on 01485 542689 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————9/17— e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:19:18 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— THE BIG GARDEN BIRD WATCH January 24-25 This annual survey was one of the first to notice a fall in the number of song thrushes in gardens. It is organised bz RSPC's junior mjmbjrship, the YOC, for all the family to join in, in parks and gardens throughout the country. Contact: Sharon Eastwood, RSPB 01767 680551 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————10/17 e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisjr Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:49:44 Evjnt2 ——————————————————————————————————————— CU RENTPRACTICEANDFURUEPROSPECTS FO LANDRESTORATIONANDCONSERVAION January 6-15 Land lies unused due to economia and social development. This programmj whml aim to provide an understanding of the principles and practices of restorhng land to its former productivity. Contact: International Seminars on 01865 316636 for details. SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————11/17 e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec27 23:19:47 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— EDIBLE DORMICE January 14 A lecture takes place at the Linnjan Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. Contact: Eloise Barnes of People's Trust for Endangered Species on 0171 4984533 for details. SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————12/17 e-mail: greinscenj@teletext.co.uk WRJTJ TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisjr Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:10:47 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— SPECIAL VOLUNTEER NEEDED December 'arwickshiri Wildlife Trust is looking for a volunteer to help look after its Nature Centre at Brandon March nature Reserve, just outside Coventry. The ideal candidate whmm bj somrgnj who enjoys meeting others who like to take advantage of the 200 acres of lakes, marshes and woodland. Details from Andy Taskjr: 01203 302912. SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————13/17 e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:10:11 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— NATU ALBREAKCONSERVATION December 22 WORKING HOLIDAYS - Jan 5 Over Christmas and the New Year thjti are more than 20 conservation holidays with a wide choice of activities. They take place at various sites around the country, from the lost valley in Cornwall to the woodlands of Northants. Contact Andrea Manning on 0113 2586632 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————14/17 e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uR WRJTJ TO: GREEN SCENE, PO BOX 297, LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisjr Kids TV Club 140P165 $eletext 165 Dec47 23:10:07 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— NATIONAL T SSTWEEKOF Decimbjt 26 CHRISTMAS WALKS - Jan 1 Guided walks at National Trust properties throughout the country. HiKing in Detbzshire, or visits to convi6ial pubs - something for e6jtyonj For details call 0171 447 6754 SEND DETAILS OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————15/17 e-mail: greenscene@teletext.qo.uk W JTETOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitisju Kids TV Club 140P165 $elitixt 165 Dec47 00:31:12 Events ——————————————————————————————————————— FESTIVAL OF WJNTJR WALKS Decimbjt 26 - Jan 1 +p to 300 winter walks will bj organjsed by the A between Boxing Day and New Year's Day. All walks are fuji and whmm ranks from three to 12 miles in length. For lists of walks call 0171 587 3799. SEND DET—ILK OF EVENTS TO: ——————————————————————————————————16/17 e-mail: greenscenj@teletext.co.uR W JTJTOGREENSCENEPOBOX LONDON SW6 1XT. FAX:0171 386 5618 Digitiseu Kids TV Club 140P165 Teletext 165 Dec47 23:11:10 ———————————————————————————————————pp—— THE TELETEXT CAMELL EXPEDITION Intrepid explorer Alexandra Hughrs Bannister set off in December 1996 tg go right around Australia on camel-back Teletext is sponsoring the 31-year-old from Lzminster, Hanks, as she spends two years coveting the 17,000 km route. The CAMELL (Circumnavigating Australia Moti6ating Environmentalists at Local Levels) expedition aims to raise green and other issuer. Green Scene will feature hit progress, but for more... ——————————————————————————————————17/17 CALL +P THIS INTERNET ADDRESS: HTTP://WWW.ATLAS.CO.USOCAMELL Digitisju Kids TV Club 140