P202 CEEFAX 202 Mon 27 Oct 21:13/21          Flash=latest *=Extra details on BBC2 101 201 HEADLINES 150 NEWSFLASH 103 203 Archer replacement decision 104 204 Maxwell: "Debts will bj paid" 10u 205 Labour High Court dispute 10v 206 EEC talks on Syrian measures 107 207 Big Bang starts with hiccup 108 208 Violence at S African mines 109 209 Bambjr jury goes to hotel 110 210 Labour: expels ninth Militant 111 211 700 jobs go at Shell refinery 112 212 Vicar found dead in cell 113 213 16 more held under Terror Act 114 214 Student in riots gets 5 years 115 215 Pope leads prazjrs for peace 116 216 Tzra Henry death inquiry 117 217 Home news in brief 118 218 Foreign news in brief 119 219 NEWSREEL